Tag: diary

  • Why I love New York so much

    cs 20170904 Why I love New York I have been living in New York for 6 months now and I simply love it. New York is simply the most beautiful city in the world. Her history, full of different cuiltrues and civilizations living under the same roof. Center of so many important decisions for US,…

  • 36


    https://www.instagram.com/p/f7B0aOPa2s/ And there you go, it’s October once again, 25th, and in a few hours I will turn 36. 36 years old. Time goes fast but the last years, so far, have been the best of my life. Nothing to regret, nothing I want to complain about.I miss a lot of friends, some of them…



    Gli ultimi mesi della mia vita sono stati molto on the road. E non mi riferisco tanto alle due settimane passate in camper in giro per i Balcani. Anche stamattina mi sono svegliato con la mia roba tutta pronta in valigia. Si cambia posto, si cambia cuscino, si cambia materasso, si cambia casa! E ad…